🌞   🌛

2024-07-07: I keep wishing this peace process for a #CeaseFire in Gaza well. Keep building up hope for each one, …

2024-06-16: Ai and the Fediverse, and Indieweb.Social As we see Apple, Meta, and Google deeply integrate their AI systems deeply into their platforms, …

2024-05-30: Good data here on #podcating usage: www.westwoodone.com/blog/2024…

2024-03-29: Ideas for How ActivityPub Might Solve this Problem that BlueSky Points Out? OK Internet hive mind: working thru a half-formed idea. I like that BluesSky and Nostr and …

2024-03-22: Welcome to Day One of Threads and the Fediverse So everybody, good job. We made it through day one.  We can all take a deep breath. First day down. …

2024-03-20: This year’s #Fediforum has been outstanding. Still digging into day 2. 

2024-02-13: Indieweb.Social and the Upcoming #BlueSkyBridge This is a brief announcement announcing Indieweb.social’s future software bridge work by …

2023-12-29: 2024 Fediverse Predictions These are fun and like seeing the tech predictions starting to pop up in a lot of other places. …

2023-12-06: A Year End List of Fediverse Development I'm Hopeful for in 2024 As the year ends, thought this would be a good time to list some of the projects and group efforts …

2023-09-08: More from Meta on Threads Launch and Future ActivityPub Support Jesse Chen (engineering manager on Threads) and Zahan Malkani (server engineer lead on the Threads …

2023-07-14: Important Exchange from Casey Newton and Joshua Toplosky on Threads & the Fediverse And this from this episode with Casey Newton and Joshua Toplosky: Josh: “I understand the …

2023-07-08: Threads and ActivtyPub - Key New Quotes from Adam Mosseri from Instagram Here are some very important quotes from the head of Instagram on their roll-out of ActivytPub …

2023-07-05: Instagram Threads and the Fediverse (Part 5) I wrote before that we need humility, recognizing there is so much we don’t know and could be …

2023-07-03: Instagram Threads and the Fediverse (Part 4) As Meta’s new App - now officially confirmed as “Threads” - has a near-term launch …

2023-06-30: Meta and the Fediverse ("First Time, Part 3) The strum and drang of the conversation of Meta joining the Fediverse continue at it’s wild …

2023-06-25: #Project92, the Fediverse: (First Time? Part 2) One more post about how things are going inside the Fediverse now that #Project92 has joined the …

2023-06-23: Threads and the Fediverse - A Smarter Battle Plan to Protect the Open Social Web With the #meta #Project92 or #Threads Fediverse offering, there has been a, well, robust discussion …

2023-06-08: More on Meta’s Instagram “project 92” Twitter-competitor just leaked including …

2023-05-24: “The most interesting thing about Meta’s Twitter clone…If Meta pursues this idea at …

2023-05-22: Some important questions users of #BlueSky and other emerging social networks will have to face: …

2023-04-14: Funny (and a sign of the times) to see “billions of minutes viewed” become functionally …

2023-04-14: Well if they had virtual legs, they would be. “Major retail players are walking back their …

2023-04-09: Because, of course, they are. And soon these #BlueCheck users will be the only ones upranking & …

2023-04-02: Happy April 2nd - International Fact-Checking Day - to all who celebrate. #FactsMatter …

2023-03-28: How to Verify your Twitter Account as Owned by You, Without Paying Twitter for #TwitterBlue or for a $12K a Month This solution for Twitter verification without paying Elon is easy to use, adheres to web standards, …

2022-12-06: No, it’s just the #indieweb, #openweb, and #fediverse doing it’s thing.

2022-12-06: No, it’s just the #openweb, #indieweb, and #fediverse doing their thing.

2022-11-24: This #blackFriday keep #privacy in mind in gift choices… foundation.mozilla.org/en/privac…

2022-11-24: OK, pretty cool: Feedle - a new track of RSS feeds of blogs and podcasts…. feedle.world

2022-11-17: #Mozilla issues its “State of Mozilla 2021-2022 Report. The web is such a better place with …

2022-11-14: This site is going to be very busy: twitterisgoinggreat.com #Twitter

2022-11-08: “A Guide to US Election Day Misinformation” - www.bloomberg.com/news/news…

2022-11-04: “Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to ‘ignore’ Web3: ‘Web3 is not the web at all’…” …

2022-11-03: “Mastodon says 230,000 people joined its decentralized social network in the last week and it …

2022-11-02: “Imperfectly #indieweb - How the collapse of Twitter and a trip to the Wayback Machine …

2022-11-02: Agree with everything he’s saying, except the idea that #Subtack is anything but marginally …

2022-11-02: “Watching Facebook Burn…” www.vice.com/en/articl…

2022-11-01: “#Mastodon’s microblogging app saw a record number of downloads after Musk’s Twitter takeover…” …

2022-10-22: Happy #GlobalEncryptionDay to all who celebrate! www.internetsociety.org/issues/en…

2022-10-18: “IndieWeb Plugin for #WordPress Blocks” - worth checking out if you are working in …

2022-10-18: The latest from the #BlueSky project working for a decentralized social ecosystem: …

2022-10-15: “Instant Articles and AMP convinced everyone that the web was dead. Long live the web, we will be …

2022-10-13: I am totally fine - actually more than fine - with #Firefox coming up with subscription services to …

2022-10-04: We will see if this triggers another wave of new #Fediverse users… #elonmusk #twitter …

2022-10-04: Feedland surfaces: “In its first 20 years, #RSS has become an established part of the …

2022-10-03: I TOTALLY love this literally “handwritten blog.” Literally everything about it. …

2022-10-01: Indieweb.Social: on the Fediverse - Looking for New Patreon Support So for several years, I’ve been running Indieweb.Social - It is a Mastodon instance/community …

2022-09-30: Texts between Dorsey and Musk: On why the future of social media needs to be #decentralized and a …

2022-09-30: Have things you keep meaning to do to your personal website but never find the time? Come get work …

2022-09-30: Interesting work on design patterns that attempt to disrupt harassment and the spread of hate …

2022-09-26: Every so often I appreciate how important key #opensource and open tech is to my life and work: …

2022-09-18: Happy Anniversary to RSS 2.0.

2022-09-13: “Technology is not just ripping apart the social fabric, it’s replacing our social …

2022-09-13: Good: very important not to trade one silo for another: “Linux Foundation…to form the …

2022-09-11: Wishing Steve Teixeira well as Mozilla as our Chief Product Officer. Deeply want Firefox focused …

2022-09-04: This is cool, I had not seen this before when it was announced: “Firefox Translations: …

2022-09-01: “I made a very very simple tool that makes some noise every time your computer sends data to …

2022-08-24: Firefox 104 has been released and includes a handful of new features, including an option to analyze …

2022-08-23: Whistleblower: #Twitter misled investors, FTC and underplayed spam issues. t.co/wsNPpfhpy…

2022-08-21: “TikTok’s in-app browser could be keylogging, privacy analysis warns..” A comparative …

2022-08-19: “Wave of Criticism Hits Zuckerberg’s Metaverse for Looking Like Crap …

2022-08-14: September 18 is the 20th anniversary of RSS 2.0, the neglected heart of so many #openweb …

2022-08-12: A feature no one (but the political advertisers and political spammers) want. #google …

2022-08-11: Hope so: “With FIDO2, is a passwordless future on the horizon? ‘The solution seems to …

2022-07-31: “Russia is quietly ramping up its Internet censorship machine….Russia has been pushing …

2022-07-28: Good. #Facebook/Meta has been gobbling up every VR company they can to keep them away from …

2022-07-23: Because, of course, they did. “Report: #Facebook has Started Encrypting Links to Counter …

2022-07-20: Agreed. “My favorite forms of content discovery are still rooted in manually reviewing things: RSS …

2022-07-12: One more silo, on its way to dying. Bye, #Medium. So much better to go with open, indieweb, or …

2022-07-05: “Matt Mullenweg thinks #Tumblr can be a better #Twitter than Twitter ever was.” …

2022-07-02: “Everything written on the web is rotting away behind us at a staggering rate….53% of …

2022-06-29: It was fifteen years ago today that the very first #iPhone first went on sale.

2022-06-28: “Big Tech silent on data privacy in post-Roe America…We asked what they will do to …

2022-06-26: 1400+ #Opensource, and free #SVG #icons: tablericons.com

2022-06-26: “#Apple uses its power over browsers to strip-mine and sabotage the #web, hurting all engine …

2022-06-18: “The next part of the reallysimple project is a mailbox style reader that plugs in like a LEGO …

2022-06-17: Yeah, let’s change this: “So Much for Cutting Out the Middleman…Instead of …

2022-06-15: Proprietary browser Internet Explorer finally formally retired, 27 years after launch. #Firefox and …

2022-06-14: A good developer blog, focusing on all things #RSS and RSS tools related… onlyrss.org

2022-06-12: “Indiewebifying (is that a verb?) a #WordPress Site – 2022 Edition” …

2022-06-10: “Jack Dorsey: Fuck It, We’re Doing Web5…” www.vice.com/en/articl…

2022-06-07: Agreed, lots to learn from here: “Social media doesn’t need to be a cesspool, if users …

2022-06-01: “Messaging apps should consider reviving AIM’s Away Message to create better social boundaries …

2022-05-29: This week in #indieweb: us12.campaign-archive.com

2022-05-28: Yesterday was the 19th anniversary since #WordPress’ first release. The web is a better place with …

2022-05-28: Hope so, the Internet is a better place with openweb based social media: “Is Tumblr on the …

2022-05-23: “A(nother) way in which Facebook is the 21st Century’s tobacco industry….” …

2022-05-23: “You may not know his name, but he played a huge part in creating the web you take for granted …

2022-05-22: Perennially good advice online and off: “Don’t Feed the Troll.” this.how/trolls/

2022-05-16: “In Un-Web 2.0 you get full control of your data, and the services just get pointers to it, or …

2022-05-16: “Because Web 2.0, while it started out as a freedom-inspiring thing, has been coalescing to being a …

2022-05-14: “What Elon Musk got wrong about Twitter.” A lot… youtu.be/MPi_aVJJ4…

2022-04-22: How #Ukraine is crowdsourcing evidence of war crimes: time.com/6166781/u…

2022-03-25: Mozilla’s vision for the evolution of the Web… #openweb #mozilla webvision.mozilla.org

2022-01-27: Cool: “High Quality, Free, Open Source Design Assets – 2022 Edition” …

2022-01-21: This week in IndieWeb: indieweb.org/this-week…

2022-01-17: A software developer’s view (from the former CEO of Signal) of the current incarnation of …

2021-12-28: Still very early days, but this feels true. Everyone is fighting to owner and custodian of your …

2021-12-24: Something to build to and to create in 2022. Something both the #indieweb, #fediverse and #web3 are …

2021-12-22: Assuming this is an NFT joke, but really not sure. Either way, welcome to the “Non-fungible …

2021-12-22: These look helpful: “Announcing indieweb-utils” jamesg.blog/2021/12/2…

2021-12-22: Really good notes here “on why podcasting is not dominated” by the many large-scale …

2021-12-17: Five Ways the the Internet Changed Our Politics in 2021 …

2021-12-14: The “State of the Word” is the annual keynote address delivered by #WordPress project’s …

2021-12-12: This #Indieweb principles quoted verbatim by Bruce Sterling in 2013, hold up pretty well…and …

2021-09-28: “The Largest Autocracy on Earth: Facebook is acting like a hostile foreign power; it’s time we …

2021-09-11: “#Firefox 92 could be the most secure browser yet.” www.techradar.com/news/fire…

2021-09-08: NetNewsWire - NetNewsWire 6.0.3 for Mac released. This is far and away my favorite feed reader: …

2021-06-04: I missed the actual day, but Wordpress as a publishing platform just turned 18 years old. Very cool. …

2021-05-27: Federated #ActivityPub-based PeerTube 3.2 has just been released – joinpeertube.org/news

2021-05-22: Creative Commons Search is joining the #WordPress open source project… …

2021-05-09: Creative Commons search will be re-launching on WordPress .org ma.tt/2021/04/c…

2021-05-09: Doctorow: #Pluralistic is my mutli-channel publishing effort…to push the limits of #POSSE …

2021-05-09: “It is easier today to research nineteenth-century postal history than to experience the 1990s …

2021-05-09: Lots of tweaks, fixes, and additions in #Mastodon RC 3.4: github.com/tootsuite…

2021-05-08: An interesting observation: “Rust, not Firefox, is Mozilla’s greatest industry …

2021-05-07: 96 Percent of iOS 14.5 Users in U.S. Have Opted Out of App Tracking www.flurry.com/blog/ios-…

2021-05-07: Reacting to Twitter’s BlueSky project, Mark Nadal offers “A Decentralized Protocol …

2021-05-04: Reimagine the Internet: knightcolumbia.org/events/re…

2021-02-10: “Why the Indieweb? …This is the story of the birth of the web, its loss of innocence, …

2021-02-05: All the reasons NOT to use Disqus as your #blog commenting system: supunkavinda.blog/disqus

2021-02-02: Lots of small improvements peppered inside Wordpress 7.1 beta: wordpress.org/news/2021…

2021-02-02: Will be interested in seeing how this works out. Open Source License with a code of conduct …

2021-01-28: Thunderbird 78, Email client, Calander, Contacts, RSS reader, and OTR chat client. OpenPGP, …

2021-01-28: #Mozilla’s 2020 report looking back at the year and the state of Internet Health. Lists …

2021-01-24: Wikipedia just turned 20 years old this month and I missed it. That site is one of the best things …

2021-01-21: Important report by #BlueSky project at Twitter: “This overview of the decentralized social …

2020-12-22: iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing. is.gd/oyNBvH

2020-11-23: A good guide to the best and the worst tech gifts in terms of #privacy from Mozilla: …

2020-11-15: Newsletters and Podcasts as new Open Content Platforms I agree, Podcasts and Newsletters (functionaly blogs) give me great hope and are some of the best …

2020-08-08: I agree with this post, and it is a very good argument for the open web for authors and creators.

2020-07-20: “The best and most beautiful things in the world…” (found while hiking yesterday)…

2020-07-19: Increasingly, post-COVID, weekend cleaning of the house is less like “picking up a bit” …

2020-06-17: Email as a Key Element of the Open Web -- And Hey! Review I agree with this: email is a key function of the #openweb. Very important that we keep it so. …

2020-05-16: “But aren’t blogs dead? · Um, nope.” www.tbray.org/ongoing/W…

2020-03-03: Good list of (mostly open-source) projects that are directly related to humane tech topics: …

2020-02-10: If you are in Austin, go: Announcing the IndieWebCamp Austin speakers

2020-01-16: Good podcast interview with Matt Muellenweg on open source and other topics: om.co/2020/01/1…

2020-01-11: I remember the #FOAF standard. The ideas were right. twobithistory.org/2020/01/0…

2020-01-08: Not a bad idea, #Twitter: letting users set limits on who can reply to their posts. …

2019-12-29: Not cool #Apple. Another closed silo ignoring open standards. And why we need #NetNewsWire and other …

2019-12-19: Filtering Social Feeds: and Unwanted Content as a Feature or Bug Filtering social feeds. And Unwanted Content as a Feature or a Bug Just a note on filtering out your …

2019-12-19: Feels way too true. Let’s rebuild a better web. “Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The …

2019-11-26: A yearly report I watch very closely is just out: State of Mozilla 2018: Annual Report …

2019-11-23: So wish #BlockchainIdentity efforts well…. www.ibm.com/blogs/blo…

2019-11-22: Not cool, ICANN: …

2019-11-22: “Slow Design for an Anxious World” - www.lukew.com/ff/entry….

2019-11-21: WebAuthn is a good thing. Glad to see Twitter supporting it. blog.twitter.com/engineeri…

2019-11-20: “In the last four months, the browser has blocked 450 billion trackers by default—and has …

2019-11-18: Manton Reese notes when evaluating new social networks (like WTSocial I assume) he looks to these …

2019-11-12: "Facebook Is Still Failing at Ad Transparency (No Matter What They Claim)" Yes. They are failing short. Mozilla has been doing good work holding them accountable for a while. …

2019-11-06: Agreed: Problems from Faceook and the others Can Be tweaked but ultimate solution is much bigger.... Agreed: this won’t change until we build the web we want. “Platforms that have as many …

2019-10-30: “The Indieweb is a place you can take some of your sovereignty back.” …

2019-10-27: A good overview of all things #indieweb: both technical and philosphical: …

2019-10-27: Interoperablity and Social Silos: Access Act Thinking the Right Way Interoperability - not just data portability but set API’s for communication by different …

2019-10-20: Yahoo Groups Shutting Down: All Content from 115 Million Groups to be Permantently Deleted Dec 14th Why owning your own content and syndicating it to external platforms is key. “Yahoo has made …

2019-10-18: A Good Review of Zuck's Speech Agree completely: “The speech began with a major tactical and factual error, in which …

2019-10-10: Good that #Microdotblog made this call given how broken FB was for cross-posting: “Goodbye to …

2019-10-10: Amen: “The Internet Must Be More Than Facebook…If Big Tech becomes synonymous with the …

2019-10-07: "Putin Begins Installing Equipment To Cut Russia’s Access To World Wide Web" The web as originally designed is fundamentally antithetical to dictatorship. " According to …

2019-09-24: 'We froze our social graph too soon..." Good quote: “We froze our social graph too soon, imho. My goal is to get the kind of discourse …

2019-09-23: Political Animals #Mural #muralart @miketanoory

2019-09-19: This is, as described: “100,000 FACES GENERATED BY AI FREE FOR ANY USE.” …

2019-09-17: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency are converting capitalism directly into climate change. Cutting out …

2019-09-16: Get Ready to Upgrade Every WiFi Device You Own Get ready to upgrade every WiFi device. WiFi 6 arrives and worth the incremental device at a time …

2019-09-16: Rooted vines.

2019-09-15: “Twitter’s doubling the permissible length of a tweet led to less uncivil, more polite, …

2019-09-14: After a week, this has been working flawlessly fo rme. Invisible and with no noticeable performance …

2019-09-13: That’s a milestone. apple.news/A8AxH58I6…

2019-09-12: To my tech work friends: A good effort and a very good Tech Pledge. I just signed, you should think …

2019-09-11: Rebel librarians are the best librarians. ✊ www.vice.com/en_us/art…

2019-09-11: Everything old is new again. : [Vinyl set to outsell CDs for first time since 1986] …

2019-09-10: How to Have Your Twitter Username Extorted From You Crazy story: “My $50,000 Twitter Username Was Stolen Thanks to PayPal and GoDaddy. I had a …

2019-09-10: Good to see Test Pilot live again: via the Mozilla Blog: [Firefox’s Test Pilot Program Returns with …

2019-09-08: Good for them. Will hinder internet service providers (ISPs), government filtering, and about any …

2019-09-07: How do you communicate when the government censors the internet? You route around it. Hong Kong Protesors going “Mesh Network” to communicate & circumvent the government: …

2019-09-06: “No Clearance.”

2019-09-06: Penn Station

2019-09-06: Sorry, were you saying something? (I was busy thinking of my next counter point….) …

2019-09-05: Playing with the new all web interface for Apple Music. Pretty impressive. But also impressive, took …

2019-09-05: The ad industry’s controversial alternative to Firefox and Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention …

2019-09-04: "Upgrade Designing Our Way Out of Non-Places" During my Sony days, I spent a ton of time in Tokyo working with great designers and digital teams. …

2019-09-03: Yeah, I don’t own a stand alone camera. Haven’t for over 9 years and doubt I ever will …

2019-09-02: Launching a New Mastdodon Instance Focused on the OpenWeb So with a few friends, just launched this new instance: INDIEWEB.SOCIAL is a home for those who …

2019-09-02: Another step towards phasing out visible “like counts” on social: …

2019-09-01: “Grow Where You Are Planted” #chalkart #art

2019-08-31: “If these walls could talk” neon #art

2019-08-31: “Ping Pong” #retro #pingpong

2019-08-31: Mozilla CEO Stepping Down Here is hoping the next Firefox CEO is a good choice. I cannot overstate how important it is that a …

2019-08-30: From the creator of Ruby on Rails, and the CTO of Basecamp. “May RSS rise again. Stronger …

2019-08-29: 1637 version of "Don't Feed the Trolls" TL/dr version: “Don’t feed the trolls.” “Tis better to have a dispute with honourable …

2019-08-29: Our Social Media Platforms are Failing Us Globally “In a recent Global Advisor survey of more than 20,000 people across 28 countries – spending …

2019-08-28: Good for Apple, they are going full opt in only, for Siri learning, and easy way for users to opt …

2019-08-28: Agree with every point here, mobile experience focus for #indieweb offerings is deeply needed: …

2019-08-28: Apple Card and Privacy, Compared to Other Credit Cards This feature alone is warming me up to an Apple credit card. Apple, Mozilla and Automatic should …

2019-08-27: “Is an independent web our only hope?” Michael Casey’s answer: …

2019-08-27: Gizmodo on NetNewsWire's Relaunch: "One of the Best RSS Readers Is Back" Great Gizmodo write up on the relaunch of #NewNewsWire: “Despite what companies like Apple and …

2019-08-27: So via Daring Fireball, John Gruber: Facebook’s ‘Clear History’ Tool Is, of Course, Bullshit

2019-08-26: #makekindnessloud

2019-08-26: Zeldman on Web 8 Interaction Design, Jeffrey Zeldman: Browser diversity starts with us.

2019-08-26: Great to see #NetNewsWire 5.0 shipping today! Has become my primary RSS reader. …

2019-08-26: Good look at new features in Apple’s Health 13… www.macrumors.com/guide/hea…

2019-08-26: After the Automattic purhase, I got some hope back that #Tumblr might become more of an ally to the …

2019-08-25: "Why Freedom of Thought Requires Attention" He opens with “Freedom of thought requries media that don’t listen to and watch and …

2019-08-22: You really should always read the Terms of Service agreements closely. “We have updated our …

2019-08-21: "Firefox and Chrome Fight Back Against Kazakhstan's Spying" Good on them: " Now, Google, Mozilla, and Apple are incorporating technical protections into …

2019-08-21: “Scaling the City Walls”

2019-08-19: Summary of some highlights from The Web Conference 2019 that recently wrapped up… #TheWebConf …

2019-08-17: Co-sign on every bit of this. #privacy #data

2019-08-16: How to opt out of human review of your voice assistant recordings by Mozilla…. …

2019-08-15: A good podcast on Tumblr purchase and open web and #microblog: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcas…

2019-08-14: How fragmented and interested our technology encourages us to be: …

2019-08-13: ActivityPub Conference 2019 – Speakers announced redaktor.me/apconf/

2019-08-12: "It’s Time to End ‘Trending'" Why it is good – as #Mastodon and #Microdotblog does – to still keep human admins in the …

2019-08-12: Hopefully, this is a good thing for a more #openweb. poststatus.com/automatti…

2019-08-12: Moonlight #Beach #deweybeach #beachlife🌴

2019-08-11: Indieweb, Fediverse and Commerical Silos The more time I spend on the #Indieweb, #Matodon and other #Fediverse apps, the more I notice when I …

2019-08-10: Magic Hour

2019-08-10: Agree with every bit of this: “Reclaiming RSS” ar.al/2018/06/2…

2019-08-10: “Surf Shanty” #art #deweybeach

2019-08-10: “”Hell on Wheels” Mural #streetart #deweybeach

2019-08-09: Extended Play

2019-08-09: Surf Beach Rentals

2019-08-08: 5 Big Wheels Vs. Millions of Small Ones Some big companies I watch closely because, of course, Big Wheels roll: Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon, …

2019-08-08: Blues Jam at the White House Sidewalk

2019-08-07: Chaz and Celery #minpin #minpinstagram

2019-08-06: “The function of freedom is to free someone else.” RIP, Toni Morrison.☹️

2019-08-04: Good call. Better late than never: CloudFlare ending support for 8chan… …

2019-08-03: Love this: “It’s pleasantly ironic that some of the internet’s oldest open protocols are …

2019-07-31: This was a baby step, but a REALLY important one. And glad to see #Mastodon Social playing a key …

2019-07-30: Endorse: “A few large players dominate much of the online world, but the internet is healthier …

2019-07-30: Agreed, “an imperfect step in the right direction” in requiring bots to identify as automated. But …

2019-07-29: Been looking for a Browser Extension to allow one click sharing to my #micrdotblog site, that then …

2019-07-22: “The net was so weird and wonderful in the early 2000s because it was easy to …

2019-07-19: So #indieweb types, would the open sourced River of News project be a good option for a base for a …

2019-07-18: Agreed: “The Web Can’t Survive a Monoculture.” #indieweb mikepennisi.com/blog/2019…

2019-07-15: Good post on going #IndieWeb: “Since I scaled back my use of social media a year ago, I …

2019-07-12: On the Open Source Social Network Mastodon and its Fight with Nazis. blogghoran.se/2019/07/1…

2019-07-12: Little. Big. Large. Great. Small. And overlap.

2019-07-11: "Will California’s New Bot Law Strengthen Democracy?" This law is a start, and should be implemented in every US state: “On July 1st, California …

2019-07-10: Continue to think that efforts at Humane design, and #indieweb and @microdotblog efforts are natural …

2019-07-10: Good for Mozilla…. apple.news Mozilla blocks UAE bid to become an internet security guardian …

2019-07-09: I recommend something quite like this about a year ago, so am watching this very closely: …

2019-07-09: A post showing the #Gab servers and the Gab enabled Mobile apps using Mastodon: mastodon.social

2019-07-09: Misting

2019-07-09: The #indieweb and Microblog should reach out to Center for Humane Tech, both efforts goals are very …

2019-07-08: Glad #Firefox finally found it’s true reason to exist. Hope they push hard that their product …

2019-07-08: Guerrilla Girls Protest Poster

2019-07-08: Viewing #Art #Sculpture

2019-07-08: The #indieweb and the #calm technology movement are natural allies. calmtech.com

2019-07-08: Endorse. Move on to something better. Which in some cases means going back to what worked and …

2019-07-07: LED Forest 3

2019-07-07: LED Forest 2

2019-07-07: LED Forest

2019-07-03: From the co-founder of Wikipedia on “Decentralizing social media networks” and owning …

2019-07-02: #streetart #streetstyle #resist

2019-07-02: Just set up a PixelFed distributed social nedia account. Trying it out. Is based on ActivityPub. …

2019-07-02: A good article on decentralized social media and federating your web posts… …

2019-07-02: 4th of July #beach #beachlife

2019-06-30: This looks like a good tool to enable desktop browser based “Sharing to” Microblog …

2019-06-30: Bethesda has these hidden street murals in all sorts of places. #mural #streetart #streetartists

2019-06-30: Mural on Side of Metal Shipping Container #streetart #muralart #mural

2019-06-30: Real Fine BBQ #streetart

2019-06-30: Folks are looking for #indieweb even when they don’t use or know the word yet… cc: …

2019-06-29: Cam and Lily.

2019-06-29: Escalating up.

2019-06-29: Attending remotely: indieweb.org/2019/Sche… #indiewebcamp

2019-06-25: Very interested in the various efforts at #selfsoverignidentity and how it could apply to social …

2019-06-24: Alt-Right network #Gab keeps talking up it’s efforts in the #fediverse. Those who care about …

2019-06-22: Facinating watching Gab, the mostly alt-right social network (after spending $5 million dev costs) …

2019-06-20: Warm summer night’s view while walking…

2019-06-17: Quietly the Mastodon social network seems to have grown to over 2.1 million users. #indieweb …

2019-06-15: Table Top Found Art

2019-06-14: “Rebooting the web of trust” and decentralized “self-sovereign” identity online: …

2019-06-10: Election Day in VA tomorrow: “Just as Virginia’s 2017 elections were an early warning signal that an …

2019-06-07: I’m completely sold on this: “Proposing a ‘Declaration of Digital Independence" - …

2019-05-23: Chandelier Stairwell

2019-05-21: Important #Firefox upgrade for privacy and speed. Good. That is what every Firefox update from here …

2019-05-21: Looking for this #IndieWeb Tool Looking for an #Indieweb tool for personal aggregation of social media. Maybe a bit like Feedly, a …

2019-05-21: That’s more like it, #Nasa apple.news/ACKC7b-aq…

2019-05-18: Purple bike

2019-05-17: Microblog and Webmtion support of any blogs.... This is cool, from @menton on #microblog supporting integration any blog that uses …

2019-05-13: Saint Francis in a garden

2019-05-11: Circles

2019-05-11: Audience of one.

2019-05-11: Atlantic and me.

2019-05-08: Very, very worth a read…A great state of play on tech and politics - as it is every …

2019-05-04: #LetsFixThis - And some good, good questions Jeff Zeldman asks really good questions here: (and I also posted this to my open #Microblog: …

2019-05-04: This is a big launch, good for them: “Experience the new CC Search, now with 300 million …

2019-05-04: "Why I’m supporting the IndieWeb (and you should too)" A solid argument for the #indieweb - and that it needs to be as “friction free” and as …

2019-05-04: I agree - trying to create a closed walled garden for podcasts - deserves to fail: …

2019-05-02: Looking forward to this season of the podcast. “Unbreak the Internet.” #Microblog is definitely one …


2019-04-27: “The Sky is Now Her Limit” 1920 …with the bottom rung “slavery” and the top “Presidency.”

2019-04-24: An important snapshot and a an appropriately mixed picture of the health of the Internet. …

2019-04-22: Laura and flowers

2019-04-20: Spring 5

2019-04-19: “Total Exoneration Day” went about as well as past “Infrastructure Weeks.”

2019-04-15: Night blossoms.

2019-04-14: Busboy and Poets Bar

2019-04-13: Old Car Room. #art #outsiderart

2019-04-13: Velvet Ford. #art #outsiderart

2019-04-11: Subway #art.

2019-04-11: Chaz. #nationalpetday #minpin #minpinstagram

2019-04-11: Morning commute.

2019-04-10: Spring 2.

2019-04-10: Spring.

2019-04-09: Shadow girl.

2019-04-09: Twitter's Pace of Bot Removal To give a sense of scale: Twitter is now “automatically removing 6 million to 7.5 million [bot] …

2019-04-08: A good essay on the nature of wonder. getpocket.com/explore/i…

2019-04-08: Spring.

2019-04-07: Chaz and me. #minpin #minpinstagram

2019-04-06: Mr. Wiggles

2019-04-05: "I'm an obesity doctor. I've seen long-term weight loss work. Here's how." I’m in this registry and long term health study on longer term weight loss and check in twice …

2019-04-04: Very important milestone in terms of political progressive infrastructure and 2020: …

2019-04-02: Underground Bethesda

2019-04-01: Sticker Jesus

2019-03-31: Wall of cubes. #art

2019-03-30: Neon America. #art #modernart

2019-03-30: Chaz Frustrated. #minpin #minpinstagram

2019-03-29: Turtles all the way down. www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/…

2019-03-28: These seem like just common sense things Facebook and Google should do in opening up thier ad …

2019-03-28: Yearly #birthday post.

2019-03-27: “In Valor There is Hope.”

2019-03-25: You can really never have too many stickers on your standing work desk. Just added three more but …

2019-03-24: Chaz napping in the sun.

2019-03-24: Passing by Art #mural #streetart

2019-03-24: Flower #mural #streetart

2019-03-23: I get why NY Times or Wash Post are worried about Apple’s premium news service. But I’m interested: …

2019-03-22: Good feature addition to #Firefox 66: “Block autoplaying content by default.” But allows …

2019-03-21: “Homeless Homeboy’s Poetry”

2019-03-21: Average media consumption for US adults….

2019-03-21: That’s a milestone: “The number of global subscriptions to online video services like Netflix and …

2019-03-20: Gotta go do some of these in Maryland sometime this summer: www.atlasobscura.com/things-to…

2019-03-20: Building in "Web Stuff" and Micro.blog This is a great quote on #indieweb publishing and #microblog in specific…. Build in …

2019-03-20: #Google Graveyard of dead products, and when and why they went the way of all flesh. gcemetery.co

2019-03-20: Adding “Hey Siri” functionality directly into Airpods was smart. I keep awaiting for …

2019-03-20: On ACA’s ninth anniversary, threats remain while popularity soars. #ACAanniversary #ProtectOurCare …

2019-03-19: This article convinced me to make it a habit to journal at least one sentence per day using #DayOne …

2019-03-18: Yet one more object lesson of why to federate and distribute your social content, no trust any one …

2019-03-18: Beto O’Rourke raised massive $6.1 million his first day in the 2020 race. The largest one day …

2019-03-17: Another argument for not trusting your social posting to any single social net. #indieweb …

2019-03-16: Dog Bar #outsiderart #outsiderartist

2019-03-16: “In the Garden with Elvis”

2019-03-16: How Software, Data, and a Hell of a Lot of Work Helped Me Lose 110 pounds in 25 Months If I kept going at that rate I would reliably be up to 300 pounds by summer. I had cholesterol …

2019-03-15: #Beto seeing far more search traffic than all other candidates combined since announcing.

2019-03-14: Chaz and me.

2019-03-13: #Facebook decieded we all were giving up FB for Lent today. Suddently a more decentralized, …

2019-03-13: Been trying out #Firefox Send… Works like a charm: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2…

2019-03-13: Me. #perspective Me. #perspective

2019-03-12: Chaz and water… #perspectivephotography #minpin

2019-03-12: Happy birthday, the World Wide Web turns 30 today. Half the world is online. Other half on the way. …

2019-03-11: That will make my #indieweb project of migrating last posts from Medium.com That will make my #indieweb project of migrating last posts from Medium.com to the open web via …

2019-03-11: That will make my #indieweb project of migrating last posts from Medium.com to the open web via …

2019-03-10: “Love More” #art

2019-03-08: Snowfall at Whiteflint Station Snowfall at Whiteflint Station

2019-03-08: Churn #art #painting Churn #art #painting

2019-03-08: Yellow #art #painting

2019-03-08: I’ve always thought #FireFox should compete for marketshare by being the best, most privacy …

2019-03-07: “Meet the new boss…same as the old boss…” FB use down 15 million but they went to …

2019-03-07: Ex-vines Ex-vines

2019-03-07: Insightful article on parenting teens, and exhaustion… grownandflown.com/mom-of-te… Insightful article on parenting teens, and exhaustion… grownandflown.com/mom-of-te…

2019-03-07: Insightful article on parenting teens, and exhaustion… grownandflown.com/mom-of-te…

2019-03-07: Keep it Simple

2019-03-06: Getting there, bit by bit on my Micro.bog, HTTPS all working: timothychambers.net Getting there, bit by bit on my Micro.bog, HTTPS all working: timothychambers.net

2019-03-06: Getting there, bit by bit on my Micro.bog, HTTPS all working: timothychambers.net

2019-03-05: Small Shifts Back to the Web's Roots Another story I’m watching on how do “slow media” - from this blogger. Will be fun …

2019-03-05: The promise and peril of decentralized social networks and federated systems… The promise and peril of decentralized social networks and federated systems: …

2019-03-05: Lights

2019-03-04: Love Love

2019-03-04: “States Names” #art

2019-03-04: Sphere #sculpture

2019-03-04: America

2019-03-04: RIP You Rascal You RIP You Rascal You

2019-03-04: Artomat #art

2019-03-04: Another argument for a “slow media” diet, vs a “fast food” junk news …

2019-03-04: Microblog creator @menton on what’s coming for Micro.blog, on this week’s podcast …

2019-03-03: Not quitting Social Media: But Going Back to an "the Artisanal internet." This article from #wired, also got me relooking at #indieweb and Micro.blog. In essence, don’t …

2019-03-03: #mural #muralart #mural #muralart

2019-03-03: In my personal life, I’m increasingly trying for a “slow media” diet. Akin to “slow food” vs “fast …

2019-03-02: Blue Cam Blue Cam

2019-03-02: Who Owns the Digital You (Part 1 of 3) “Twenties and Thirties it was the role of government, Fifties and Sixties it was civil rights. The …

2019-03-02: Micro.blog update: Got Instagram integration from Insta=>Micro.blog working. Check. Almost all …

2019-03-02: Why I’m exploring Micro.blog. Why I’m exploring Micro.blog. Don’t want to quit Facebook entirely (or other social networks) but …

2019-03-01: Foggy night walk.

2019-03-01: Here was my questions to @macgenie for her Micro Monday Micro.blog interview with @menton…. …

2019-02-28: Updated the #wikipedia article for micro.blog with some of what I’ve been learning -> …

2019-02-28: Good morning, Chaz! #minpin #minpinstagram #minpins

2019-02-28: #stickers #stickerart

2019-02-26: “Bubbles”

2019-02-26: Bottle cap Art #foundart #folkart

2019-02-25: “Free Coffee.”

2019-02-23: Moneysaorus Rex

2019-02-22: "Large companies aren’t good homes for beloved services..." Good thoughts here by Colin Devroe on the issue of trusting even giant companies iwth your digital …

2019-02-21: Chaz and me.

2019-02-20: A key milestone: “U.S. ad dollars spent this year on digital channels…will surpass the …

2019-02-20: OK: micro.blog update: Syndication working everywhere it can pretty flawlessly. Am exporting old …

2019-02-20: Amazed to be reminded that the Blogger/Blogspot platform is almost 20 years old. Alive but zombie. …

2019-02-19: Next step with Micro.blog: moving over my domain name, and getting iOS apps installed. So far, …

2019-02-19: Giving Micro.Blog a Whirl Giving Micro.blog a whirl. After trying it out in beta, now am giving the lastest version a whirl as …

2019-02-19: Laura.

2019-02-18: Gamer Cam

2019-02-17: Winged selfie 2 #whatliftsyou #mural #streetart #muralart cc: @kelseymontagueart

2019-02-17: Winged Selfie. #whatliftsyou #mural #streetart cc: @kelseymontagueart

2019-02-17: “Emergency Soup.”

2017-11-18: Fun. Trying out this solution for Publish once, syndicate everywhere posting…

2016-07-12: Here s one of the best resources for data and research on how to keep off weight once you… One of the best resources for data and research on how to maintain a healthy weight. …

2015-10-18: Who Owns the Digital You? (Part 2 of 3) Who Owns the Digital You? (Part 2 of 3) “Identity will be one of the defining themes in the next …

2015-10-12: More AMP HTML Reactions and Links More AMP HTML Reactions and Links Other reactions around Medium.com and elsewhere to Google’s AMP …

2015-10-11: Who Owns the Digital You? (Part 1 of 3) Who Owns the Digital You? (Part 1 of 3) “Twenties and Thirties it was the role of government, …

2015-10-10: Internet, You aren’t Helping: How Bad Data Spreads Faster than Good Internet, You aren’t Helping: How Bad Data Spreads Faster than Good Fascinating tool that tracks how …

2015-10-10: NY Times Open Sources “The Hive” a Platform for Crowdsourcing News and Info NY Times Open Sources “The Hive” a Platform for Crowdsourcing News and Info Looks pretty cool, and …